Campaigning for evidence-based treatment of the airway, jaw and facial ailments that are causing 20% of the population to die early
To the GDC:
For too long our concerns have not been heard nor debated.
We are seeking public engagement on these topics and
would like the GDC to engage with us.
We do not claim to have all the answers, but we do claim to
have asking the right questions. We call for a full, fair and free
debate on these subjects.
Free; anyone and everyone can participate and be heard,
undesirable voices are not excluded.
Fair; a level playing field, where an independent scientific
body ensures fair play.
Full; no areas are excluded or considered irrelevant until
proven otherwise.
We would like to all practitioners to have equal access to the
salaried researches paid by for by the state, and we would like the
opportunity for all the different groups to engage in prospective
comparative research, including comparison of facial form. We
realise that research and evidence is less valuable without the
context provided by logic and discussion. It is our concern that
legitimate debate is not occurring within the orthodontist speciality which is becoming more of a religion than a science.
We want the truth, the whole truth
and no dogma.